Academic Honesty Policy
Academic Honesty Policy
Honest behavior is an expectation at Foothill Middle School. The purpose of the policy is to create and maintain an honest academic atmosphere. Students at Foothill are responsible for understanding and abiding by this Academic Honesty Policy.
Academic honesty does not include:
● Copying from another student.
● Using unauthorized materials/resources (cell phones, calculators, spark/cliff notes, etc.).
● Submitting an essay or assignment written in whole or in part by someone else as one’s own.
● Preparing an essay or assignment for submission by another student.
● Copying an assignment or essay or allowing one’s assignment or essay to be copied by someone else.
● Using direct quotations, large sections or paraphrased material without acknowledgement.
● Submitting whole or part of computer-generated documents or materials with or without minor modifications as one’s own.
Consequences for Academic Dishonesty may include appropriate disciplinary measures consistent with Board policy and the California Education Code. One or more of the following consequences may occur. Examples include, but are not limited to:
1. Parent /Guardian contacted by teacher.
2. Referral to an administrator for disciplinary consequences; parent/guardian will be notified.
3. Possible loss of all or partial credit for the assignment; determined by the teacher of record.